The Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (DE-INBRE) is a collaborative network of Delaware academic, health care and research institutions made up of five partner institutions: University of Delaware (UD), Delaware State University (DSU), ChristianaCare (CC), Delaware Technical Community College (DTCC), and Nemours Children’s Health (NCH).

DE-INBRE catalyzes multidisciplinary biomedical research initiatives that build Delaware’s biomedical research capacity and workforce. Its goal is to expand research activities across basic, translational and clinical areas throughout the First State while also increasing Delaware’s competitiveness for federal biomedical research funding. In doing so, Delaware INBRE supports impactful, state-of-the-art research that creates jobs, prepares tomorrow’s workforce and improves the health of Delawareans. DE-INBRE accomplishes this by funding four major activities. These are:
- Providing biomedical research opportunities to undergraduates
- Supporting newly independent early-career investigators on their quest to become established scientists
- Improving Delaware’s research infrastructure by removing barriers to research core facility access and fostering research core facility operations
- Identifying and reducing barriers to biomedical data access while training Delaware’s biomedical workforce in data science methods
Delaware INBRE is supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Institutional Development Award [NIH-NIGMS: P20 GM103446] and the state of Delaware.
Delaware INBRE operates through five programmatic activities:

Delaware INBRE’s goals are:
- Inspire Delaware’s undergraduates to pursue biomedical research careers while fostering their
success. - Develop early career biomedical research faculty into experienced investigators capable of driving
biomedical innovation in Delaware while training our next generation of biomedical researchers. - Eliminate barriers to cross-institutional sharing of high-end instrumentation and other resources so
that Delaware’s biomedical researchers have the tools for cutting edge research and training. - Grow Delaware’s Data Science research community to answer biomedically important research