BiND Supported Projects
Cancer Drug Database
Database of pharmocokinetic and structural properties of cancer drug compounds allowing evaluation of Structure Activity Relationships (SARs) and prediction of chemotherapy compounds’ missing pharmacokinetic properties. Developed through a partnership between Wesley University and University of Delaware researchers including an INBRE supported undergraduate scholar.
Web portal for Chinese Hamster and CHO cell line genomic and proteomic data. Tools are provided for exploration and retrieval of relevant data. The site serves as an online community resource for research utilizing CHO cell lines.
integrated Systems Tool for Eye gene discovery (iSyTE)
A web-based public resource that allows efficient identification of genes associated with congenital cataract. A simple yet effective experimental and computational strategy prioritizes candidate disease associated genes based on microarray gene expression profiling on embryonic tissues.
Metagenomes Online (MgOl)
A manually annotated resource of predicted proteins identified in viral and microbial shotgun metagenomes. Libraries are annotated with an abundant metadata including sample provenance, geographical description, environmental parameters, sampling and preparation methodologies, and Environmental Ontology (ENVO) terms.
Protein Information Resource (PIR)
An integrated public bioinformatics resource to support genomic, proteomic and systems biology research and scientific studies. PIR offers world leading resources to assist with proteomic and genomic data integration and the propagation and standardization of protein annotation.
Web portal supports the North East Bioinformatics Collaborative’s project to sequence the genome of the Little Skate. Provided is a clearinghouse for Little Skate Genome Project and other publicly available Skate and Ray (Batoidea) genome data, tools for data visualization and analysis, and an interface for classroom training.
Viral Informatics Resource for Metagenome Exploration (VIROME)
A web-application designed for scientific exploration of metagenome sequence data collected from viral assemblages occurring within a number of different environmental contexts. The VIROME informatics pipeline focuses on the classification of predicted open-reading frames (ORFs) from viral metagenomes.
BiND Core Facilities
Christiana Care Center for Outcomes Research (CCOR)
CCOR is a research center with a dual focus on epidemiological research and analysis of outcomes—in all fields of medicine. In addition, it is a data-coordinating center for a number of large and small clinical trials in the area of cardiovascular diagnostics and therapeutics.
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CBCB) Core
The CBCB Bioinformatics Core builds upon the infrastructure of the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI) and the Protein Information Resource (PIR) supporting life science research at UD, as well as our partner institutions throughout the state.
Nemours Bioinformatics Core Facility (BCF)
The Bioinformatics Core Facility (BCF) provides specialized network and computing resources (both hardware and software), as well as support and training in experimental design, biostatistics, data analysis, and data management for researchers and investigators.
Live Cell Imaging Core at DSU
Leveraging existing infrastructure of the DSU OSCAR imaging facility a new core facility is being developed that will specialize in imaging of live cells. Also being developed are advanced bioinformatics capabilities for analysis of bioimaging data, including 4D live cell imaging.