The goal of the Data Science Core (DSC) is to integrate bioinformatics, biostatistics, and data science resources across Delaware INBRE partner institutions to increase access to critical expertise and cyberinfrastructure, strengthening the statewide environment for performing informatically-enabled biomedical research and training.
We operate under both collaborative and fee-for-service models, and are happy to work with investigators to find a solution that fits their needs and budget. Contact the Core (help@bioinformatics.udel.edu) for assistance planning your research or analyzing your current data.
Our bioinformaticians, data scientists, and BioIT specialists provide a wide range of services including:
The activities of DSC are guided by the Coordination Committee composed of representatives from each Delaware INBRE partner institution to provide a forum for inter-institutional discussion, goal setting, and growth. Working Groups are established to advance initiatives in our three areas of emphasis: Cyberinfrastructure, Education and Training, and Research Support.
Shawn Polson – Director of the DSC and Chair of the DSC Coordination Committee
Director, CBCB Bioinformatics Core Facility, UD
Manager, NECC Shared Data Center at UD
Assoc. Professor, Depts. Computer & Info. Sci., Plant & Soil Sci and Biological Sci., UD
polson@udel.edu or help@bioinformatics.udel.edu | 302-831-3235
DSC Coordination Committee
Member | Title | Organization |
Claudine Jurkovitz | Director of Clinical Research, Director of CRSN (DE-INBRE), Lead BERD Core (DE ACCEL-CTR) | ChristianaCare |
Michael Buoni | Instructor, Biology – Owens Campus | Delaware Technical Community College |
John McDowell | Institutional DE-INBRE PI; Instructor, Biology and Chemistry – Stanton Campus | Delaware Technical Community College |
Hacene Boukari | Institutional DE-INBRE PI; Professor of Physics | Delaware State University |
Sokratis Makrogiannis | Assoc. Prof, Physics and Engineering | Delaware State University |
Tim Bunnell | Director, Nemours Bioinformatics Core Facility | Nemours Children’s Health |
Shawn Polson | Director, DSC; Professor & Director, UD Bioinformatics Data Science Core | University of Delaware |
Cathy Wu | Professor and Director, Data Science Institute; Director, Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology | University of Delaware |
Susan County-Buck | Assistant Professor, School of Nursing | University of Delaware |
Suzanne Milbourne | Associate Chiefs of Staff for Research and Development | Wilmington VA Medical Center |
Tanveer Qureshi | Chief of Primary Care | Wilmington VA Medical Center |