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DE-INBRE Core Facilities

DE-INBRE has many core facilities open to our network and beyond. Learn more about our core facilities below:

BioBank and Molecular Analysis Program (BMAP)

Location: Nemours Children’s Hospital

BMAP houses a tissue biorepository and a wet lab specializing in molecular biology instrumentation and methodologies.  BMAP offers clinical trial support as well as basic specimen processing.

Manager: Diana Corao-Uribe & Jen Holbrook

Email: &

Services offered include: serum and plasma isolation, mononuclear cell isolation,  liquid nitrogen flash freezing, and cell culture of specimens, nucleic acid extraction and QC, specimen identification and profiling, Real-Time qPCR and gene expression analysis, CNV detection and digital PCR, and DNA Sanger sequencing. 

BioImaging Center (University of Delaware)

Location: University of Delaware

The BioImaging Center houses state-of-the-art microscopy instrumentation, including transmission and scanning electron, atomic force, and advanced light microscopy.

Manager: Jeff Caplan


The BioImaging Center contains a breadth of equipment enabling us to acquire information from the millimeter to nanometer scales.  Whether you want to look at whole organisms, cells, organelles, or individual proteins, we’ll be able to accommodate your research needs.

Data Science Core (DSC)

Location: University of Delaware

The DSC offers many services to help with planning your research or analyzing your current data. 

Manager: Shawn Polson


Services include: consultation, proposal assistance, training and software and hardware resources, database and web services, next gen analysis and custom anaylsis 

Biostatistics Epidemiology Research Design Core (BERD)

Location: ChristianaCare

The BERD Core offers consultative services including epidemiology, biostatistics, research design, data management, and bio- and medical informatics. 

Manager: Claudine Jurkovitz


Services offered include: assistance with statistics analysis and advanced statistical methodologies.

Cardiovascular Research Core (CVRC)

Location: University of Delaware

CVRC offers a variety of services to assist with cardiovascular research goals. 

Manager: Shannon Lennon


Services offered include: custom vascular studies, echocardiography, 24-hour blood pressure, monitoring Standard and Doppler Carotid ultrasound.  Personnel support includes ultrasound expertise, cell culture support, a research nurse, and support for graded exercise testing.

Cawley Center for Translational Cancer Research (CCTCR)

Location: ChristianaCare

CCTCR offers a variety of services and techniques including: flow cytometry / cell sorting, real time PCR, and microirradiator.

Manager: Lynn Opdenaker


CCTCR offers a variety of services and techniques including: flow cytometry / cell sorting, real time PCR, and microirradiator.

Cell Science Core (CSC)

Location: Nemours Children’s Hospital

The Cell Science Core (CSC) assists researchers in flow cytometry, cell sorting, and other cell sciences. The core provides access to a variety of state-of-the-art technology and technical expertise to researchers. 

Manager: Sonali Barwe, PhD


Services offered include: flow cytometry, cell culture, 2-D electrophoresis, 2-D DIGE, LC-MS/MS, and HPLC.

Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging (CBBI)

Location: University of Delaware

CCBI offers a state-of-the-art research facility houses the 1st research fMRI scanner in the state of Delaware—with the capability to map brain activity, as well as provide remarkably detailed images of muscles, discs, bones and organs. 

Manager: Keith Schneider


Services offered include: functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for humans, with two 3T scanners for humans and large animals, and a 9.4T scanner for samples and small animals.  Additionally,  simultaneous MRI with EEG or TMS can be performed. 

Cell Electrophysiology Core

Location: Delaware State University

The Cell Electrophysiology (CE) Core provides functional studies of ion channel, synaptic, excitability, and network activity in neurons or glia.

Manager: Jianli Sun


The Cell Electrophysiology Core offers many services which include experiment design, data acquisition, data analysis and assist with result presentation for patch-clamp and microelectrode array (MEA) studies. 

Center for Human Research Coordination

Location: University of Delaware

University of Delaware’s Center for Human Research Coordination (CHRC) was established to support UD researchers focused on human subject research.

Manager: Karin Gravare Silbernagel & Marlo Goss

Email: &

Research changes people’s lives and we are here to support the endeavor of advancing research at the University of Delaware.  CHRC will assist with recruitment of participants, coordination of studies and registries, as well as REDCap and data management.

Synthetic Chemistry Core Facility

Location: University of Delaware

The Synthetic Chemistry Core Facility offers many services including: synthetic chemistry services, broadly defined, mainly to non-specialists with limited access to organic chemistry facilities.

Manager: Yinzhi Fang


The facility offers many services including: synthetic chemistry services, broadly defined, mainly to non-specialists with limited access to organic chemistry facilities.

Learn more by emailing our manager 

Delaware Center for Musculoskeletal Research (DCMR)

Location: University of Delaware

The DCMR core offers a wide range of services and expertise in support of furthering musculoskeletal research.

Manager: Mary Boggs & Liyun Wang

Email: &

Services offered include: mechanical testing and measurements, multimodal animal imaging, histology, and preclinical experimentation/lab and animal medicine.

DNA Sequencing & Genotyping Center

Location: University of Delaware

The University of Delaware Genomics Technology Center contains a wide range of instrumentation which enables us to acquire genetic/genomic information from the smallest virus to to the largest mammals.

Manager: Bruce Kingham


Services offered include: DNA sequencing (Sanger and next-generation sequencers); nucleic acid extraction, purification, and amplifications; nucleic acid quality analysis; DNA fragmentation; DNA size selection.

Flow Cytometry Core

Location: University of Delaware

The Flow Cytometry Core offers a full service flow cytometry and cell sorting facility. 

Manager: Arit Ghosh


Services offered include: Immunophenotyping, DNA content analysis, veterinary hematology, sample processing, figure preparation, data analysis, consultation, assay design, cell culture, and cell sorting

High Throughput Experimentation (HTE) Center

Location: University of Delaware

The HTE Center offers compound library synthesis, reaction development, and collection of data sets for statistical model development.

Manager: Jessica Sampson


Services offered include organic reactions in parallel format for 24- and 96-well microscale experiment screening to support rapid identification of catalysts for new reactions and optimization of reaction conditions.

Histochemistry and Tissue Processing Center (HTPC)

Location: Nemours Children’s Hospital

The Histochemistry and Tissue Processing Core (HTPC) is a full-service histology laboratory providing routine and specialty histology techniques. 

Manager: Heather Hardy


Services offered include: a wide array of instrumentation, and provides consultation for research projects for special staining, enzyme histochemistry, immuno-histochemistry and routine processing. The lab offers TMA services, and can prepare slides from normal controls or provide custom arrays from provided sample blocks.

Life Science Research Facility (LSRF)

Location: University of Delaware

The LSRF provides housing for research rodents and technical expertise is available to train research staff or conduct experimental procedures.

Manager: Eric Hutchinson


The LSRF provides housing for research rodents and technical expertise is available to train research staff or conduct experimental procedures.

Learn more by emailing our manager

Mass Spectrometry Core

Location: University of Delaware

Training, state-of-the-art equipment, and expertise for mass spectrometry and proteomics.

Manager: PapaNii Asare-Okai


Services include a wide variety of instruments using EI, CI, FD, ESI, APCI and LIFDI for analyses in GC-MS, LC-MS, MS-MS modes.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Core

Location: University of Delaware

The NMR Spectroscopy Core is home to nine NMR spectrometers ranging from 9.4 to 20.0 T (400-850 MHz in proton frequency) in magnetic field strength, with a full range of capabilities from solution to solid state to HR-MAS NMR.

Manager: Steve Bai


Services offered include solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  These spectrometers are equipped with various state-of-the-art probes and other key accessories for general and specialized applications to meet the needs of our diverse user group.  

Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR) Imaging Facility

Location: Delaware State University

The OSCAR Imaging Facility is a multi-user core facility that offers state-of-the-art equipment for imaging, microscopy, spectroscopy, and image analysis.

Manager: Hacene Boukari & Michael Moore

Email: &

Services offered include imaging, microscopy, spectroscopy, and image analysis including: confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, light microscopy, sample prep. 

Pediatric Genomics Laboratory (PGL)

Location: Nemours Children’s Hospital

The PGL Project offers consultation/experiment design, library preparation, next generation sequencing, and downstream data analysis. 

Manager: Diana Corao-Uribe


Services currently offered include: RNA, DNA, and Targeted Panel library prep, Illumina BeadArrays, sequencing, bioinformatics, nucleic acid extraction and 10x single cell applications.

Apply to be a Delaware INBRE Summer Scholar! Deadline to apply is March 1, 2025.
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