
Pilot Project Applications 

Delaware INBRE Pilot Project awards are one method for establishing research capabilities across the state. These awards are intended to support the efforts of each INBRE investigator to become an independent investigator. By definition, an independent investigator is one who has obtained sustainable funding for research, such as an R01 grant, and by NIH standards is no longer considered an early-stage or new investigator.  Each INBRE supported investigator is expected to establish independence as an investigator through INBRE resources by developing and submitting a competitive R01 research grant or a comparable, appropriate, single-investigator grant to NIH or other federal funding agencies prior to concluding the INBRE Pilot Project.

Learn more about Delaware INBRE Pilot Projects and how to apply here.

Pilot Project applications resemble closely the NIH K01 mentored research award mechanism. As a result, along with scientific merit, mentorship plans, descriptions of the research environment and indications of institutional support for promoting research independence are key factors in determining each application’s strengths. 

Printable/Downloadable Documents & Forms

NIH SBIR & STTR programs

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are one of the largest sources of early-stage capital for innovative small companies in the United States. These programs allow US-owned and operated small businesses to engage in federal research and development (R&D) that has a strong potential for commercialization.

In Fiscal Year 2015, NIH’s SBIR and STTR programs will invest over 780 million dollars into early-stage, health and life science companies that are creating a wide range of innovative technologies that align with NIH’s mission to improve health and save lives. A key objective of this work is translating promising technologies to the private sector through strategic public and private partnerships, so that life-saving innovations reach consumer markets.

SBIR: The NIH SBIR program funds early stage small businesses that are seeking to commercialize innovative biomedical technologies. This competitive program helps small businesses participate in federal research and development, develop life-saving technologies, and create jobs.

STTR: The NIH STTR program is similar to the NIH SBIR program, but requires that the small business formally collaborate with a research institution in Phase I and Phase II. To learn more about both programs visit the NIH SBIR/STTR Information page. 

Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA – R15) 

R15 – AREA grant awards are focused on stimulating research at health professional academic institutions with not more than $6 million per year of NIH support in total costs in each of four or more of the last seven years. Please view the AREA Program Ineligible Institutions website for more information. An NIH Meet the Experts webinar about AREA awards is available online.

Standard application deadline AIDS-related research deadlines 

February 25, June 25, and October 25 May 7, September 7, and January 7

New NIH Biographical Sketch Format

NIH and AHRQ encourages applicants to use the newly published biosketch format for all grant and cooperative agreement applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2015, and will require use of the new format for applications submitted for due dates on or after May 25, 2015.

The revised forms and instructions are now available on the SF 424 (R&R) Forms and Applications page and adjustments have been made to improve their usability.

In addition to the descriptions of specific contributions and documentation, researchers will be allowed to include a link to a full list of their published work as found in a publicly available digital database such as MyBibliography or SciENcv.

The Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv), which serves as an interagency system designed to create biosketches for multiple federal agencies, pulls information from available resources making it easy to develop a repository of information that can be readily updated and modified to prepare future biosketches. The video to the right provides instructions on how to use SciENcv.

Scientific Advance Report

If you have a new paper published on your latest findings, or your work featured in a recent news item, please provide NIH and Delaware INBRE with a scientific advance update.   These reports provide valuable information when responding to data calls,  and in supporting requirements for  status reports submitted to Congress, the National Academy of Sciences, and NIH leadership.  In addition, the important advances presented  in conferences and meetings, highlight the impact of the IDeA program.  Please  submit your report to: mrevilleza @ nigms.nih.gov.

Core Center Access Awards

The Delaware INBRE Centralized Instrumentation Research Core is pleased to offer the Core Center Access Awards to provide access to one of the Delaware INBRE cores listed below. The award is designed to assist biomedical research investigators in conducting small pilot studies, obtaining preliminary data for grant application, testing proof of concept, or providing additional data for publication. Investigators at any of the Delaware INBRE affiliated institutions may request usage of one or a combination of cores services. Find out more about the Core Center Access Award.

NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts

The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is the official publication for NIH medical and behavioral research grant policies, guidelines and funding opportunities.

Subscribe to Weekly Table Of Contents (TOC) E-Mail with New NIH Guide Postings

NIH Guide announcements (PAs, RFAs and Notices) are published daily. At the end of each work week (usually on Friday afternoon), NIH transmits an e-mail to NIH Guide LISTSERV subscribers with the Current Weekly Table of Contents (TOC), including links to announcements published during the week. An up-to-date listing of new announcements published during the week may be checked anytime on the Current Weekly TOC.

Early-Career Faculty Scholars Program

The groups, HHMI, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Simons Foundation, have launched a Faculty Scholars Program to support early-career scientists. This program offers critical resources to encourage early-career scientists and provide up to 70 grants every 2.5 years to promising scientists.

Early Career Reviewer Program

Interested in learning more about the proposal review process at NIH? You might consider the Early Career Reviewer Program, which is designed to:

  • Train and educate qualified scientists without significant prior review experience so that they may become effective reviewers
  • Help emerging researchers advance their careers by exposing them to review experience
  • Enrich the existing pool of NIH reviewers by including scientists from less research-intensive institutions

For detailed information on the program, click here.

NIH-NIGMS Institutional Development Award
(IDeA) Co-funding Initiative

NIGMS (National Institute of General Medical Sciences) will co-fund awards to support research project grants applications from investigators within IDeA eligible states and will provide support to applicants whose proposals received excellent ratings through the peer review process but fell short of the Institute’s or Center’s (ICs) pay line.  In order to be eligible and considered for co-funding the following must be met: (1) investigator-initiated applications limited to the R01 and R15 mechanisms (either new or competing continuation) (2) applications submitted by investigators from institutions within IDeA eligible states, and (3) assigned to any NIH Institute or Center.

To begin the application process, investigators need to contact the program officer assigned to the application to explore if the NIH primary assignment would consider submission of the application for IDeA co-funding. ICs then select applications with excellent ratings but were just outside the IC’s pay line and rank the meritoriously reviewed proposals. The IC’s nominations for the IDeA co-funding initiative are submitted by the NIH institutes/centers (ICs) with primary assignment on the application. More Information